Profile K by Helen Fields #bookreview

On my blog today, I’m sharing my thoughts on the new novel by Helen Fields, Profile K.


He’s going to kill you. He just doesn’t know it yet.

Midnight Jones is an analyst trained to understand the human mind. But everything changes when, in the course of her work, she discovers Profile K’s file – because K stands for killer, and she knows that someone more dangerous than she could have ever imagined walks among them.

Midnight knows what Profile K is capable of before he even commits his first crime. But as the news rolls with the brutal murder of a local woman, no one believes what she tells them: that he is capable of so much worse.

Profile K will kill again – and, terrifyingly, Midnight realises that the moment she found his file was the moment she became his next target. Because Profile K is coming for Midnight – and the only way to escape with her life is to find him before he finds her…


I’m a big fan of Helen Fields writing, so I was really excited when her new novel, Profile K arrived on my doorstep. We are thrown headfirst into a terrifying first chapter which really does set the tone for the rest of the novel. Told from the point of view of a woman facing her attacker, I could really sense her fear as she realised what was going to happen to her and it makes for such a gripping opening. Helen Fields certainly opens her story with a bang and this makes sure that we keep reading. I was desperate to see the person who committed this crime brought to justice, but it is soon clear to see that the killer isn’t finished with their plans just yet and this is what makes them so scary.

We then meet Midnight Jones who works as an analyst for Necto, where she analyses the human mind and Midnight is very good at her job. While at work Midnight comes across a profile labelled Profile K, the letter K, standing for killer and this shocks Midnight to the core, and especially what she sees when she examines the profile. She feels compelled to tell the people who she works for about this, and to report it to the police, as not too far away the body of a young woman was found, but she struggles to make her voice heard. I could really sense her frustration. But soon she finds herself more drawn into this than she ever thought would be possible.

Midnight Jones is a brilliant character. We get a real sense of what is driving her throughout this book and that is particularly her love for her sister, who she is a carer for. Her sister, Dawn, is disabled and Midnight is the only person there to help her. Midnight provides for both of them which makes Midnight even more determined to do well at her job. Helen Fields has done a brilliant job of bringing their relationship to life in this book. The warmth and love they have for each other, shines through in their dialogue. After Midnight Jones comes across Profile K, she soon becomes this killer’s next target. There was so much tension in the book as the race to find the killer gains momentum.

This is a very dark thriller and Helen Fields has excelled once again in writing an absolutely gripping, twisty tale that I did not want to put down. I loved Profile K and I highly, highly recommend it. 

Publisher: Avon

Publication date: 25th April 2024

Print length: 375 pages

Profile K is available to buy:

Amazon UK Kobo Waterstones

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