Death Flight by Sarah Sultoon #bookreview #blogtour @SultoonSarah @OrendaBooks @RandomTTours

I’m delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for the new novel by Sarah Sultoon, Death Flight on my blog today. With thanks to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for inviting me to take part.


Cub reporter Jonny Murphy is in Buenos Aires interviewing families of victims of Argentina’s Dirty War, when a headless torso has washed up on a city beach, thrusting him into a shocking investigation…

Argentina. 1998. Human remains are found on a beach on the outskirts of Buenos Aires – a gruesome echo of when the tide brought home dozens of mutilated bodies thrown from planes during Argentina’s Dirty War. Flights of death, with passengers known as the Disappeared.

International Tribune reporter Jonny Murphy is in Buenos Aires interviewing families of the missing, desperate to keep their memory alive, when the corpse turns up. His investigations with his companion, freelance photographer Paloma Glenn, have barely started when Argentina’s simmering financial crisis explodes around them.

As the fabric of society starts to disintegrate and Argentine cities burn around them, Jonny and Paloma are suddenly thrust centre stage, fighting to secure both their jobs and their livelihoods.

But Jonny is also fighting something else, an echo from his own past that he’ll never shake, and as it catches up with him and Paloma, he must make choices that will endanger everything he knows…


If you love an action packed book, then you need to read Death Flight by Sarah Sultoon. I near enough read this book in one sitting. I’ve been a big fan of Sarah’s work for some time now, but her latest novel is her best yet. Sarah has a real talent of putting you firmly in the shoes of her characters and there is a real emotional hook to this book that really kept me invested in this story.

In her latest book, we meet reporter Jonny Murphy, and freelance reporter, Paloma, as they travel to Argentina. They’re investigating the Argentinean government and the military’s involvement in the disappearance of thousands of babies which took place in the 1970s and 1980s; the families of the stolen babies still have no idea what happened to their children. It is clear to see the anguish this has caused them. Sarah describes this so well in her book, I could really feel their desperation to get to the truth. This was something that I personally knew nothing about, and I always love how Sarah Sultoon manages to open my eyes to horrific events that have happened in the world. The action gets going right from the first chapter. There is tension on every page, especially as anger boils over in the local population. Jonny and Paloma feel it is their duty to get to the bottom of what has gone on. 

We have met Jonny before in a previous book by Sarah, The Dirt, which I also really enjoyed and Sarah does a brilliant job of delving even further into his character in this latest book. We learn a lot more about his backstory in Death Flight and Sarah brings it out in a very powerful way. I thought this especially, as well, when we learn more about Paloma, but I don’t want to give anything away here.

There is a very cinematic feeling to this book which I really liked. This is what makes this book so gripping and I really felt as though I was there amongst the action; this is one of Sarah Sultoon’s real talents. There are some jaw dropping reveals as we later find out more about Jonny and Paloma, this. Although the main characters in this book are journalists, it did almost feel like a spy novel as I was reading it.

If you love fast-paced and action-packed thrillers then I highly recommend Death Flight. It’ll definitely be one of my top reads of the year, I’m sure.

Publisher: Orenda Books

Publication date: 29th February 2024

Print length: 274 pages

Death Flight is available to buy:

Amazon UK Waterstones